Graphic Designer

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  • 3 days
375.00 USD Premium
4 Days Delivery
4 Revisions
logo designs
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275.00 USD Standard
3 Days Delivery
3 Revisions
print ads, digital ads, flyers
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225.00 USD Basic
2 Days Delivery
3 Revisions
business card design and layout
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Job is done or money back
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

Job Description

Graphic Designer for all your graphic needs- business cards, logos, advertisements, flyers, invitations, labels, brochures, photobooks, packaging, ...

Business Card
225.00 USD
business card design and layout
What's included?
  • Revisions: 3
  • Delivery time: 2 days
275.00 USD
print ads, digital ads, flyers
What's included?
  • Revisions: 3
  • Delivery time: 3 days
Logo Design
375.00 USD
logo designs
What's included?
  • Revisions: 4
  • Delivery time: 4 days
Name Business Card Advertisement Logo Design
Description business card design and layout print ads, digital ads, flyers logo designs
Delivery time 2 days 3 days 4 days
Revisions 3 3 4
Price 225.00 USD 275.00 USD 375.00 USD

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